

Stroopies: Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels






Strolling through the Pop-Up Christmas Village Shops in Prince Street Park, I stumbled upon the Dutch Stroopwafel. Walk into the cozy Stroopie shop and you watch a stroopwafel being freshly made.

What is a Stroopwafel? A cookie dough ball pressed thin with a waffle iron, sliced, and then filled with a reservoir of homemade caramel in the center. The purpose is to cover your hot beverage (tea or coffee) with the stroopwafel and let the heat and steam soften the entire cookie and caramel. They also have Wilbur-chocolate dipped, pecan topped and expresso variations. I can’t decide whether my favorite part of the shop is watching the homemade caramel being drizzled onto the stroopie, or the fact that you can sample the flavors before purchasing!

This delectable treat was made with locally sourced ingredients has a mission that is near and dear to my heart. Both of my parents were refugees and without the help and kindness of others, it would have been a lot harder for them to go to college and get the professional careers they have today. Stroopies offers meaningful employment opportunities to refugees with a focus on providing a safe place for them to break down social, linguistic, and cultural barriers.

Have a stroopie! Support local refugees to help build a better future for our little community.

Love, &annabelle


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